The Last Roar: A Homage to the Barbary Lion

There are moments when the soulful gaze of an animal’s eye reveals a vast and shared emotional world between species. Other times, it’s the mere sight of an animal that causes one to abandon all other thoughts and to enter into a state of connection with a fellow Earth-dweller. Consider the iconic photograph of the last known Barbary lion. This majestic creature, now extinct, yet immortalized in a single snapshot, inspires an unfathomable sadness when one considers that in its final days, it was the last member of its species on Planet Earth.

The extinction of the Barbary lion was the craven and unforgivable result of the pernicious rise of humans These lions were hunted as far back as Roman times, slaughtered for sport by gladiators. In the ensuing decades, their numbers fell precipitously as a result of unchecked hunting, habitat loss and conflicts with human settlements throughout North Africa. In 1924, this photo was taken of what is now believed to be the last-known sighting of a Barbary lion. In its grainy black and white texture, the solitary lion, radiates a mixture of dignity and sadness, of stoicism and quiet despair.

From the Rock of Gibraltar to the Nile River, the Barbary lion’s roar once echoed throughout mountains, forests, and grasslands. Tales of their courage and ferocity, described by the ancients and cherished by the moderns, paint a vibrant picture of a species that shaped the histories and mythologies of myriad civilizations across time

Through the lens of the photograph, the lion’s physical grandeur - the royal bearing, the luxurious mane and formidable strength - belies a tragic existence in the face of impending extinction. Behind the lion stretches a solitary trail of footprints, underscoring the terrible sense of loneliness that permeates the image.

Mankind has charted stars, crafted symphonies, and explored the depths of our oceans. Yet, amidst such achievements, we have faltered in preserving the magnificent tapestry of life on earth. The last Barbary lion, through his quiet, dignified posture, is a staunch and terrible reminder that for all of man’s achievements, we are little more than a blight on what was once a beautiful planet.


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R.I.P. Mick Hutson